About Us

Setting The Mood

It was a dark day when I turned 40. No, it literally was a dark rainy day. But that just set the mood!

It seems like the body knows when 40 rolls around. It packs on the pounds around the stomach, hips, and thighs. Bones creak louder and your back hurts more often!

So I had to change my 8-5 cubicle routine capped off with a trip on the way home to KFC, McDonald’s, or Burger King.

Something Had To Change

I decided to start running. Well, I decided to do that, but it actually looked like walking. Or should I say that I was running, and people were walking past me.

That was over 5 years ago. I am now running a mile in under 8 minutes. I’ve lost 15 pounds. My joints, back, and other parts of my body no longer hurt.

I attribute all of that to a treadmill.

The Weight Loss Solution

This blog is all about my journey starting as a fluffy young woman (actually just north of 30’ish, OK, OK, just a little over 40’ish), to a fit (well….getting fitter) hot looking mom.

I’m trying my darndest to get back that body I had in the 20’s. Don’t think it’ll ever happen, but a girl can dream can’t she!


There’s a lot of free stuff on the Internet. Some of it is worthwhile, but plenty of it is just a waste of time. Most of the valuable information costs money in the form of a book, eBook, giving up your email address, etc.

The reality of it all is, writing articles takes time. As well as the costs involved with website hosting, software tools to manage a blog, and buying equipment to test.

We don’t plan to get rich from this blog. But we’re not rich by any means where we can spend hundreds of dollars a month out of the goodness of our heart.

What we’ve done on this site to help keep it running, is to promote affiliate links. By clicking on these links and making a purchase of that product, or any products, we get a very small commission. All of this comes at no expense to you, and it helps us keep this information interesting, valuable, and hopefully inspiring.

Keep on Runnin’
